Title: The Dance 2: Broken Dancer

Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: own nothing and no one used herein.

Rating: PG-13 to R. Bliss swears

Summary: Bliss' partner is broken

The Dance 2: Broken Dancer
by Kate R.

Why is it so cold down here? Bliss wondered as he sat by the bed that held the one he loved. The Dark One. Bliss couldn't figure out what had caused it to always be so cold in Asphodel unless it really was a reflection of Hades' Life. Dark, cold, barren---empty. Gods it was such a cruel life.

And why? Because Grandma had decided she knew best for him? Bullshit.

Grandma didn't know anything. Not about him or what was 'Best' for him.

He was angry. Angrier than he'd ever been before. Then, he'd felt his beloved's heart break. He felt it shatter and he was furious. He'd come and just watched as Hades sat and stared at nothing.

When Bliss had asked him what was wrong he'd said only one word: Alone.

Bliss had tried for hours to get him to realize he wasn't alone and he had eventually succeeded but Hades was still so cold and empty.

Bliss was angry. He'd known the second Daddy Strife came back from the fates exactly what he was going to say. Someone was messing with the pattern. Joy belonged with Death. Bliss had always known Hades was overwhelmed by sadness. All he ever saw or felt was death. How could he not be? Joy was born for Death. Joy was born to comfort Death. He'd always known it. But Daddy didn't because Grandma Dite had tried to change the pattern. And now Death was nearly dead. Bliss had almost been too late.

He sat stroking the dark hair off his beloved's face when he sensed grandma and daddy arrive. He didn't even look up at first. No, instead, he kissed Hades and said quietly: "I hope to Cronos you're happy, grandma."

"What do you mean son?" Daddy asked.

Bliss looked at his father and let his anger show as his glance went back to his grandmother. "I'm talking about her and her attempts to change the pattern. I was born Joy and Happiness and all Hades has ever known is sadness and grief. Who was I born for Daddy? Why am I, Bliss, The God of Joy and happiness? Who was I made for? If you think about it, there is only one God in our world who needs me more than he needs air. And grandma had you shoot him with an arrow. Except, Daddy, Strife deflected the arrow and Hades brought Persephone here for those she loved. I was born for him. Only for Him. And because of grandma's interference, he's nearly dead. So, I hope to Tartarus she's happy with herself. Because I most certainly am not. I won't be coming back for a while, by the way, Daddy. Not until Hades is alive again. And when I do come back, he'll be with me. So, you tell those cruel gossips called the muses that the next time I hear a remark about Hades out of them, I will make them know what I can do when I'm angry. I am the Grandson of War as well as the son of Love. They should---you ALL should remember that. Hades is mine now. No one else gets to hurt him. If they do, they answer to me. Clear?"

"Yes Bliss," Cupid said as he watched his son comfort the man he loved. Bliss looked at his grandmother Aphrodite, and smiled coldly. Like he'd seen grandpa Ares do. "We'll have two children. I'll carry them and they will be beautiful. Their names will be William and Wesley. They'll be raised in separate times and learn different things. And they'll be the new age of Gods when it's time for that. William will be a God of Passions. Wesley will be a God of Knowledge. I have the far seeing grandma. Uncle Pol has been helping me hone it. I use myself because I wont hurt anyone with predictions about myself. Hades is mine. Our children will be more beautiful and passionate than you could ever hope to be. And they'll be strong like grandpa Ares and Joxer. I'll heal Hades and well dance and we'll live and we'll love. And there is
Nothing you can do to stop it. The Fates decreed it before you were born. Live with it because I'm old enough to choose for myself now."

"Bliss," Cupid said as Bliss turned his attention back to Hades.

He looked at his father. "Love him, son. That's what we do."

"I know, Dad. And I am going to love loving him. He's so easy to love, really."

Cupid nodded and led his mother away knowing the Fates had already decreed the marriage. Bliss lay down by Hades and just held him. He felt his Dark Love shudder slightly as tears slid from his broken, emotional walls.

Bliss just held on to him. "I'm here," Bliss said. "I'm here and I'm not leaving."

3: Children of the Dance

"HOW DARE YOU?!?!" Echoed around the temple and Ares cringed slightly. Bliss had just found out about Wesley. And by the Gods was he ever pissed. "How DARE you think you have the right to mess with one of our children? What in the name of all time were you thinking you bitch?!?! What gave you the right to even touch our son?"

Cupid cringed now as well. Next to Cupid, Strife was sitting thinking this was going to get extremely ugly before the night was done. They were watching as Dite was backed into a corner. Ares knew Hades was near but his rage was so extreme he dared not look at Dite
lest he curse her. And with his power levels being what they were, a curse could be seriously damaging. Ares watched as other gods flashed in to see what the shouting was abut. Zeus and Hera appeared and sat, watching to see what was going to happen. To see if Bliss would say what this was about.

"You really thought we'd never find out, didn't you?" Bliss hissed as Artemis appeared with Apollo. "You really thought we'd never know what you'd caused our Wes. What Ace is now desperately trying to fix. It won't matter anyway, though. We have to activated his Godhead. His, William's and Hugh's. Yeah, Hugh, the soul. We didn't know I was gonna have three but I did. And they were all born powerful. All having an aspect of humanity in them. William is the Heart, Wesley is the Mind and Hugh is the Soul. All things that are needed up here if you all ever want to get off this mountain an Granny here just screwed with Wes. Wes is hurt. In his heart, mind and soul thanks to her interference. I want he tried for this. I want to see her punished. This is the third time she's messed with the pattern."

"Hades?" Zeus asked his brother. He could see him in the darkness of the room trying not to release his rage but the call for trial had to come from both parents.

"I think," Hades said as he walked out of the shadows as if he'd always been there just watching, "That it is far past time someone looked into this. She has done other things with her powers that constitute abuses of power. Aphrodite, you and Heph had a child. Where is he?"

"A child?" Zeus asked.

Hera looked at her closely. "A child," the Queen of the gods confirmed. "Your Uncle asked
you a question, child. Where is your son? What did you do with him?"

"He's wrong," Dite stammered. "I-I never had a son with Hephaestus."

"DO NOT LIE TO ME, LITTLE GIRL!" Hera roared. "Where. Is. Your Son?!?"

"Gone," Hades answered for her. "But he is not dead, is he, Dite? He was your son, even if you couldn't stand him not looking like you except in his hair coloring. His nature is his father's; his temperament is his father's. And he is his Father's son. You could not abide that. Yes, you
need to be tried for what you've done. I, too ask for a trial. I also ask Heph's son be restored to him. Dite may not have wanted him but I know Heph has always wanted a child of his own."

"Dite---," Heph trailed off for a moment. "What have you done?"

"He wasn't mine. He wasn't Ares'. I didn't want a child that wasn't reflective of me," she said coldly.

Heph looked stunned and Hera finally had enough. She snapped her fingers and Aphrodite found herself chained in Hephaestian Metal.

"We will find your son, Heph," Apollo said. "The pantheon hereby accepts the request for Trial. Once all those who are needed are gathered and this is explained to them, we will begin. The council adjourns to gather those whose testimony is required. Ares? I leave it to you to gather them. Hades, Bliss, I must ask you to come to the Great Hall and prepare to activate your sons' godheads."

Hades and Bliss nodded. Hera and Zeus were both to angry to speak. A child had been thrown away because he did not reflect one of his parents. Zeus thought on when he had done that to Heph and his shame returned.

"You are healed now, Zeus," Hera said softly. "And our children need us. Our family needs us. We must be ready to hear such ugly things but they are things we need to hear so we may make them right. We cannot change the past, but Mother and Father willing, we can make the present and future better."

Zeus nodded and they walked to the main hall where Wesley was laying on a table. Hades and Bliss were standing on either side of him with their hands joined over his heart.

"Wesley, God of the Mind, we call you to wake. Lord of knowledge, God of thoughts and minds, please, awaken to your calling."

"W-William?" the young man stammered as he woke. "H-Hugh?"

"Soon," Hades whispered to his son. "They will be here soon. You need to wake up now, baby. We need to prepare."

"O-Okay," he said a tad nervously. "I-I'm wake."

Chapter 4: Gathering

Rupert Giles was sitting in his home relaxing with a book when there was a bright flash of light. He jumped as he was facing a man dressed in leather and carrying a huge sword.

"Rupert Giles," the man said. "Your testimony is needed in a very serious matter. That of you and your Slayer and her friends. All of them. Her mother as well."

"Of course, Lord Ares," Giles said as he finally realized whom he was speaking to. He picked up the phone and dialed Buffy. Buffy said she would be there with the others in a few minutes. Ares took them to Olympus once everyone ahd arrived and then went to fetch the others.
He appeared in Angel grove a few minutes after dropping off Giles and Company. With him were Joxer and Cupid. They appeared in the middle of a fight and Ares sighed. He recognized the flying Monkey and pulled his sword and blocked the thrust aimed at the young man in white.

"Builder!" he yelled.

The young man in blue stepped forward as Ares dispatched the other---thing.

"It's time to go home. Your friends' testimony will be needed. As will Wallace's."

"Okay," the young man said. He looked at the group. "We need Jason, Trini and Zack too. They have to testify as well."

"Done," Ares said as his consort Joxer appeared with the three teens. "We need to go to Olympus, now, Builder. Your father is waiting to see you again. Your real father."

"Oh," the boy in blue said as the biggest of the new arrivals walked over and hugged him. "Okay. We can do that."

Ares nodded and gathered them to him. He took them to the command center where he looked at Zordon and Alpha.

"You two have to give testimony as well. You can survive on Olympus and Ace is working on healing you," Ares said.

"I was correct in my suspicions then?" Zordon asked as he looked at Billy.

Ares nodded. "The Trial requires all of you be there and testify," Ares said.

Zordon nodded and watched as Ares reached with Godly power to move them all to Olympus. Zordon appeared as a middle-aged man with graying black hair and blue eyes.

"Cupid, kindly collect your brother? I have to gather Hugh and William yet."

"Sure dad," Cupid said as he closed his eyes. A group appeared and Cupid sighed.

"Go change, Darius," he said. "You know how Dad feels about that outfit. Can the rest of you kindly sit and be quiet and everything will be explained as soon as everyone arrives?"

The group of 5 sat and Darius followed Strife out of the room to his room in the Hall of War to change into different clothes.

Ares walked out to a field and drew on power there to summon the last of those needed. Hugh Pendragon, William Thanos also known as Spike, and Angelus. With them came Cordelia Chase whom he knew also knew Wes, Armond Marceaux who was one of his descendants, and Doyle, Angel's Seer.

"Gramps!" Spike called as he lunged into Ares' arms.

Ares chuckled and hugged Hugh as well. "Welcome home. I'm sorry but you and your brother have to be activated. Wesley was hurt very badly at the Ascension and we had to activate him to prevent further injury."

"Okay, Uncle Ares," Spike said.

Ares laughed. These 2 knew damn well who he was. They just couldn't decide Cousin or Grandfather so Uncle. "Come on in and we'll explain this. Much better, Darius. Much better."

Chapter 5: Explaining 1: Darius

"Okay, What is going on?" A man with long dark hair demanded once they re-entered the temple. Darius sighed.

"Duncan, sit a moment and we'll explain."

"You changed clothes," Duncan said in a scandalized voice.

"I choose my own clothes here, Duncan. I am not a priest here. I am Darius, Son of Ares. I think I know why I'm here by the fact that William, Wes and Hugh are all here as well as I think that is Builder, correct?"

"Yes," Cupid said. "There's a Trial for mom coming up. She threw Builder away and messed with Wes' life. Wes was supposed to be raised by Giles and Ethan. She's on trial and we need a scribe who is of our line but is neither wholly God nor Wholly Mortal. That's you as you havenâ™t changed to become a full god yet and you are not mortal."

"I see," Darius said as he looked at the assembled peoples. "And the rest are witnesses I take it? The group in the specific colors is for Builder as I recognize Zordon and the others are for Wes?"

"Yeah," Cupid said. "Although, I'm not sure about everything else, I know some of that group has a thing against vampires even though the Slayer is not intended to kill all vampires. Uncle Bacchus is gonna be pissed. I know Wes needs William and Hugh and I know they make up the new House but I'm not sure about everything else."

"Is the trial for something Specific Aphrodite did? I need to know this so I can scribe the notes."

"Darius," Duncan said, "What is going on?"

"A family matter," Darius answered. "You all were near me when I was summoned so you all are here with me. Tessa, if you like, you can go and look at the statuary in the gardens. Perhaps Hermes or someone can show her around, Cupid?"

"Sure, Darius," Cupid said. "One of the others can show her around. Why don't all of you go as well? This trial is going to take awhile so we'll have rooms made up for you in the hall of War."

The group nodded and stood to leave. Darius sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Padre?" the girl asked.

Darius looked back at her. "This is not going to be easy, Jenny," he said. "Trials of this type always reveal an ugliness that is far deeper than the beauty of the one on trial. The last such was Psyche. 2000 years ago."

"And you're the scribe for this one---why?" She asked.

Darius sighed. "Because I am not Wholly God or Wholly Mortal. I am between. And I am Ares' Son so he knows he can ask me to scribe," he told the girl.

"What did she do?" Jenny asked.

Darius sighed again. "She tried to change the pattern and nearly killed Death. She messed with one of their children and then lost one of her own children because he does not reflect her. All serious crimes. The outcome of which could cause serious repercussions for her. I am being asked to scribe and to offer impartial thoughts on things. I was not raised here so I am not biased to any save my father. And his opinion on this matter is kept to himself."

Jenny nodded and sat. "I think I'll just sit here with you then and you can maybe tell me about being the Son of the God of War."

"I can do that, Jenny," he said. "As soon as some tells that boy to shut up at any rate."

"Ignore him," Jenny said. "I'm sure your dad'll explain it to him soon enough."


Chapter 6: Explaining to the Scoobies

"Giles, why are we here?" Xander asked. "I mean if it's testimony about killing vampires, I say good, kill them all."

"Be Silent!" A voice roared.

Xander froze and Giles snorted into his sleeve

"Be silent about things you know nothing about, child. Immature brat!" Bacchus himself moved forward and Xander just watched as he joined a man in black armor and they faced Spike. There was an odd thing happening as Spike seemed to split in two and one of them, the one who did not look human, bowed to the two beings while the other stepped forward into a hug from the man in the armor.

"Hello, William," Hades said. "Welcome home."

"Now," Angel hissed in Xander's ear, "Don't we just feel like the stupid, prejudiced moron we are?" Angel then stared at them all coldly. "And for your information, you aren't here for William. You're here for Wesley."

"The Wuss?" Xander asked incredulously.

Angel did growl this time. "The abused Child," the dark vampire hissed. "The one not one of you could be a decent human being too. Except for Dawn and Joyce. The one whose back was broken at the ascension and the one whose injuries were compounded by older injuries so badly he had to take his full Godhead before he was ready to. Before he was really old enough to. So, kindly sit the hell down and shut the hell up until you're needed."

Xander stared as Angel stalked off to where there was food laid out and grabbed a piece of fruit. Angel noticed the girl with one he had heard called Darius. He could see the divine blood in that one and he wondered who he was. Darius was preparing to scribe the notes in this trial.

"So," he heard Buffy ask Giles softly. "Who is on trial and for what?"

"Aphrodite," the man in armor said. "For messing with the pattern. It cost Wesley his childhood. It has cost an immediate accessing of godhead five Years early. If she is found guilty, there will be a major shift in the Pantheon. You will be asked things like how did Wesley react around you, what was he like, and things like that. So, I need you all to be completely honest. He knows what he was there but he was too frightened to be anything else."

"Okay," Buffy said. "I can do that."

"Excellent. This is Darius. Darius will be the one who scribes things for us. The scribe for this trial must be one who is neither Wholly God, nor Wholly mortal. Darius is the only one with a tie to our pantheon who could do this for us. That is why he is here. Those with him were in his
immediate vicinity. Now that you all have ahd this explained, the trial will begin in an hour. You have until then to prepare."

So saying, he walked off to prepare himself for the trail. This would not be easy.

Chapter 7: Explaining to the Rangers

Tommy was looking around the temple they ahd been brought to and he looked at Zordon and from Zordon to Billy. He was confused.

"What's going on?" Tommy asked.

Zordon sighed. "I once told you that you all were special in one way or another," Zordon said.

Tommy nodded.

"Billy is special in who his father is. It is not Edmund Cranston. His father is Hephaestus. God of Forge and Fire. God of crafts requiring forged metals and such. That is Billy to a T. He is Hephaestus' son. His name was originally Builder. That was his Godhead."

"What is this trial about?" Kim asked as she watched people starting to make benches and chairs that all had padding. She was curious and a little afraid about what this could mean.

"A long time ago, Kimberly," Zordon said. "Aphrodite had a son by her actual Husband. But this son was not a reflection of her so she lost him. This trial is in part to do with that. The other part involves those three young men over there. One of them was hurt by her actions. We are here for Billy and to offer our thoughts on what should be done to her if her crimes are proven to have occurred."

"Okay," Aeisha said. "Why though?"

"Because her crimes affected The House of Humanity and so Human opinion is needed," Zordon told them.

"Oh," Adam said.

They looked up as the 11 Big Gods came in. Aphrodite was placed in a chair with restraints on it. They noticed the blond guy with white wings took the empty seat on the council.

"Aphrodite," a voice spoke from nowhere it seemed, "You are here by accused of Losing your own son, Placing one of your great grandchildren in a place where he was abused, and through those actions, causing The House of Humanity to be activated 5 years early. Your older crimes shall also be addressed. Those are listed as: Attempting the change the pattern, attempting to manipulate everyone to your own ends and attempted murder of the God of the Dead."

Chapter 8: Betrayal of Godhood

Ares stood after the charges had been read and looked at Darius who nodded. He was ready.
"We call to the stand Rupert Giles," Ares said.

The tweed clad Englishman walked forward slowly. When he got to the box, he doubled over in
pain and staggered as if in agony. Apollo caught him, did a cursory examination and then his head snapped up and stared at Aphrodite.

"By Cronos," he said. "You really are a cruel, vindictive bitch."

"What is it?" Zeus asked.

"She put a compulsion on him so he would leave Lust's son. They were supposed to raise Wesley but since they weren't together---."

"How could you?" Hera asked Dite as she touched Giles' forehead and released him from it. He staggered and cried out one word. A name: Ethan.

"I'm here," the voice whispered. "Ripper, I'm here. I have been for some reason I was brought here with you. Now, you need to tell them what's happened so we can fix this, okay?"

"Eth, I...I'm sorry. I only know I hurt you and I never wanted to do that. I'm sorry, luv. Please, I'm so sorry."

"Wasn't you, Ripper," Ethan said gently as he rubbed Giles' back. "It wasn't you. It was she."

"Challenge me, son of Lust?" Aphrodite said.

Ethan raised an eyebrow and something shot out of him and slammed her to the floor. "Son of Lust and Debauchery," Ethan Rayne said as he helped Ripper into the witness box and then stood with his hand on his shoulder. "Lord of Passion and Chaos."

"Giles," Ares began, "Can you tell us when you started feeling odd in Ethan's presence and when that graduated into hate and rage?"

"The year Wesley was 'Born'," Giles said. "I had been so happy with Ethan before then. As Rupert I have a block in my head for the three years between when we summoned Ehygon and when I went back to the Council. I knew something was wrong but I could never break the block. God, even Rupert was trying to help me break that block. That personality was inserted and
cardboard and even he wanted to know what was missing and why things didn't add up. Rupert felt something was wrong. He also felt something was wrong in how Wesley was treated. Every time he tried to say something though, he was hit by a blinding migraine. I---We---didn't know what it was but it scared us."

"Thank you, Mr. Giles," Ares said. "I ask a new charge be added to the list: Betrayal of Godhood. Through her actions she nearly destroyed Love."

"So added," Apollo said. "I'm asking for a brief recess so Mr. Giles can collect himself. Having the compulsion pulled I can see has caused some strain."

"So noted," Hermes said. "So granted. We reconvene in 30 minutes."

Everyone stood to stretch and Buffy looked at her watcher who looked so much more---free.

"Better," he said to her as she raised a questioning eyebrow. "Much better. And, Ethan is Off Limits for beating on."

"Yes, Giles," she said petulantly and walked to get a drink.

Giles looked at Ethan and grinned. For the first time in years, he grinned fully. "I feel great."